

If you arrive Bodø by train or plane there are several alternatives for the journey towards Oppeid / Hamarøy using public transport.

Updated departure times and itineraries can be found at reisnordland.com


If you want to drive your own car to Hamarøy you should calculate approximately 3 hours driving time. The trip goes via Fauske and then north along the E6 most of the way.


There is a bus going from Bodø Sentrumsterminal to Oppeid(5 min walk from the house). Calculate bus change along the way and approximately 4 hours travel time. Find more information at reisnordland.com


From Bodø Sentrumsterminal (quay) there is also a boat going to Hamarøy. The boat then arrives at Skutvik quay and corresponds with bus from Skutvik to Oppeid. Usually you’ll have departure in the afternoon from Bodø with arrival Oppeid in the evening. Travel time approximately 3 hours.


If you travel via Harstad Narvik Airport Evenes the alternatives for further travel will be based on using car or bus.

The trip includes ferry from Lødingen to Bognes. Use reisnordland.com for an overview of ferry routes (and public transport).


The drive from the airport including the ferry will take about 3 hours. However - waiting for the ferry should be taken into account. After about 1 hour drive you are at the ferry pier in Lødingen. Updated ferry routes can be found via reisnordland.com


A public transport trip from Evenes Airport involves several changes along the way. Calculate about 4.5 hours of travel time.


Fauske is about 160 km south of from Oppeid / Hamarøy and can be arrived using car or train.

From Fauske you can take a bus further north or drive directly.

Use of reisnordland.no for updated route information when planning your bus-trip.


From Fauske it takes a 2 hours and 15 minutes drive till arrival at Oppeid.. You follow the route E6 the up to Ulvsvåg and then drive along E81 for the last 15 minutes.


Fauske bus station is right next to the train station. Bus from Fauske to Oppeid takes about 2 hours and 40 minutes and involves changing buses along the way.